Logical Framework for Information Retrieval and Conservation Project. Geo-referencial Querying in Integrated Catalogues and Notified Cultural Heritage
Luca Marescotti , Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Maria Mascione , Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Short Paper: Short Paper 6: Looking for Content

The design of an information system based on cataloguing actvities in a conservation project is istrumental for the operating aspects and procedures. Its definition is an example of some of the fundamental parts of a general project for the modernisation of Public Administration concerning cultural heritage. The main objective is not only to put together the different catalogues, but especially to enlarge then through access to heterogeneus documents, also trough access to multimedia application, and to all these economic informations that will be useful for the management of the patrimony. The cultural heritage conservation requires both planning and programming measures and operational activities. At the same time it requires the support of information system that can gather and distribute the information of 'values' and motivation for recovery, conservation and restoration are based, so that the different actors and the different administrations delegated to the task can operate as much as possible along to the same strategic lines. The definition of the logical criteria


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