
Public Records Office
Kew, Richmond
TW9 4DU United Kingdom

Keeper of Public Records for the United Kingdom Government and Chief Executive of the Public Record Office of England and Wales (The National Archives) since 1992, Previously served as Director of Special Collections, British Library 1986-91. Vice President of the International Council on Archives 1996-2000. Responsible for the strategic approach to records management and digital records in government, now part of the Modernising Government agenda, and for building the New Public Record Office at Kew, which opened in December 1995, and for the Family Records Centre in Central London, which opened in April 1997. The PRO is a Charter Mark and an Investor In People organisation which serves 300,000 visitors a year and about 30 million online visitors 2000-1. Established the 'Online PRO' programme to provide the records and information about them, via Internet technology to government and to the world. Current PRO and Archives products are the award winning 'Learning Curve,' an educational web site for schools and children on History, the launch of the Public Record Office catalogue (8.5 million entries) and the Access to Archives (A2A) cataloguing programme for the country's archives as a whole. In 2002, in partnership with DERA, the PRO will launch the online release of the 1901 census for family historians worldwide.

Sarah will present Keynote Speech: Old traditions: New archives
Sarah will participate in a World Panel: Cultural Heritage and Technologies

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Published: 01/09/01
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