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published: April, 2002

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At the Dawn of European civilization
Jordan Detev, Bulgarian MultimediaArts Society, Bulgaria

Demonstration: Demonstrations 2

This demo will give new life to the oldest Temple of Fertility (6200 years B.C.), which was situated near the today's Bulgarian village Muldava (from the thracian word "mulda" which meant "fortified sanctuary"). 1000 pictures, more than 150 animated clips (2D & 3D), photos, original ancient music, etc. contribute to build an immersive experience of the past. Three sources of information are used to reconstruct the Temple and its cult rituals. Archaeological artifacts are taken from the discoverer - the great Bulgarian archaeologist prof. P. Detev and his work. The myth for the God Sun, Holy Stag and believe of the sacre of spring, which still alive in our folklor. The author himself composed the syncretic show (music, dance, light and video FX, etc) upon this legend (included in video). This fascinating work makes it possible to "get in tuch" with the Thracian people, their art and spiritual life.