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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Museum applications demonstrated by the people who created them

Museums and the Web 2002 featured a Museum Professionals Demonstration Hall on the morning of April 20, 2002. In this session, museum staff showed their colleagues their latest Web sites and explained the workings behind them.

Saturday April 20, 2002

8:30 AM-
10:00 AM


Demonstrations 1

Northern Journeys

Entwined with Life: Native American Basketry - interactive exhibit

Promoting and Re-Creating Physical Exhibitions

New Worlds, New Visions: The Interactive Revolution in Museum Programming for the Classroom

Communitics : politics, design and survival of a virtual community

Live @ Exploratorium: Origins - A pilot study of Web-based links between museum audiences and remote scientific research

The Data Locator: cross-database searching at The Natural History Museum, London

The UK's National Archives Education Website

The Perils of the Online Exhibition Catalogue

children's COMPASS: The British Museum's new interactive learning site


Digitally Printed Textiles: Their Potential Use in Costume Collections and Living-History Museums

Promoting heritage awareness among school children in Singapore

Demonstration of the CAIN web site and the ArchWay Database


Egyptian Treasures in Europe

Topologies de l'instant

Australian Prints online - Prints & Printmaking In Australia & The Australasian Region

Annotate Space: Neighborhood Interpretation on Location

Now you see it, now you won't

From Virtual to Reality: Using the Web to Initiate a New Museum

The Museum of Pure Form

The Royal Danish Kunstkammer

Tools we use: how the CMA builds web features for Special Exhibitions

MIS: On-line Access to Integrated Museum Archives and Collections for Research

Education, Exhibitions and Publications Online: The Art Institute of Chicago

10:00 AM-
11:30 AM


Demonstrations 2

Artists of Brücke: Themes in German Expressionist Prints

Posting Online Exhibitions with CONTENTdm: Technology that Works

Serving historic photograph collections on the Web

Museum Encyclopaedia - Web Format

Three Dimensional Models from Nineteenth Century Overlay Patterns

At the Dawn of European civilization

Describing the Contemporary

Museum-Related Multimedia and Virtual Environments for Teaching and Learning Science

Allen Memorial Art Museum Web Site

The Drexel Digital Museum Project: Historic Costume Collection

Whaddya mean that's not on the Web? Using your website to provide access to your undigitized collections

Devices of Wonder

eCUIP: The Digital Library Project

Bringing the Web back into the Building

The Hiroshima Virtual Peace Museum

Within These Walls

Music of the Holocaust

The MLN Directory: Enabling Collection Sharing Among U.S. Museums

Voices: Oral History Takes Center Stage in Cooperative Museum Project

Web-site as a chance to integate World Art and that of former Soviet Union Countries

Dollars and Sense: Integrating Digital Access for Fun

Web Site Resources from the National Center for Science Literacy, Education, and Technology, American Museum of Natural History

In touch with the Ateneum - A new multimedia program that brings the Ateneum Art Museum to your eyes, ears and fingertips

Museophile: a community for museum e-commerce

George Washington: A National Treasure

A Method for Restoration and Exhibition of Relics in the Virtual Museum

National Museum of Asian Arts-Guimet in Paris

PACHYDERM: an authoring tool

The Museum Wearable