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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Donna Tramontozzi
Chief Strategy Officer
New Tilt
48 Grove Street Suite 206
Somerville MA
02144 USA
Email: donna@newtilt.com

Donna Tramontozzi has 20 years of experience in providing strategic leadership for state-of-the-art information design technologies. As the Technical Director of Information Design at Digital Equipment Corporation (now Compaq), Donna defined the tools, standards and processes for information delivery and services for the company's 1,200-person documentation, course development, usability and internationalization organization. Prior to founding New Tilt in 2000, Donna worked as an interactive project consultant to a number of established and emerging businesses that included the Massachusetts Port Authority. At New Tilt, she has been the strategic leader for projects with the Smithsonian Institution and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. She has been a frequent lecturer and an instructor at MIT. Donna received a BA in English and Secondary Education from Boston College.

Donna will demonstrate Within These Walls