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published: April, 2002

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The Hiroshima Virtual Peace Museum
Paul Joseph, Tufts University, USA

Demonstration: Demonstrations 2

Demonstration of a CD-ROM which provides a virtual tour of an exhibition of materials related to Hiroshima, Pearl Harbor, and various events surrounding the War in the Pacific. Vistors are able to "walk through the exhibit," "move in close" to examine particular artifacts and photographs, and click on particular items to receive more information either directly from the CD or via the Web. Examples include videotaped interviews with hibakusha (A-bomb survivors), material on "comfort women" enslaved by the Japanese army, and war propaganda from both sides. The controversies over the drastically revised Smithsonian exhibition in 1995, and the Japanese museum debates regarding Tokyo's conduct in Asia during the War are included as well. The project thus explores both the technical dimension and philosophic issues concerning the precise meaning of a "peace museum." Educational opportunities for high school and college students are included. The CD will be developed further in collaboration with the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation and Museum.