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published: April, 2002

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Chris Dede
Harvard University
Graduate School of Education
323 Longfellow Hall
13 Appian Way
Cambridge MA
02138 USA
Email: Chris_Dede@harvard.edu

Chris Dede's fundamental interest is the expanded human capabilities for knowledge creation, sharing, and mastery that emerging technologies enable. His teaching models the use of information technology to distribute and orchestrate learning across space, time, and multiple interactive media. His research spans technology forecasting and assessment, emerging technologies for learning, and leadership in educational innovation. He is currently conducting funded studies to develop and assess learning environments based on immersive virtual reality technology and multi-user virtual environments. Dede also is active in policy initiatives, including a recent role as Senior Program Director at the National Science Foundation's Directorate for Education and Human Resources. His work with State decision-makers encompasses activities with the Education Commission of the States, the Council of Chief State School Officers, and the National Governors Association. Dede's involvement with education reform includes strategic planning for technology-based innovation with the Milwaukee and Cleveland public schools.

Chris will demonstrate Museum-Related Multimedia and Virtual Environments for Teaching and Learning Science