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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Patricia Barbanell
Museum/School Education Coordinator
Schenectady City Schools
Project VIEW
900 Oakwood Ave
Schenectady NY
12303 USA
Email: barbanellp@schenectady.k12.ny.us

Dr. Barbanell has over 30 years experience as an educator in museums, schools, universities, and community organizations. She has presented at over 50 regional, state and national conferences and instititutes, and has published numberous articles regarding various aspects of art, museum education, and cultural education. Dr. Barbanell is Past President of the New York State Art Teachers and also of the New York State Council of Educational Associations. She has served on Delegates Assembly of the National Art Education Association and is on the Board of its Electronic Media Interest Group. She also has served on the Boards of several Museums and cultural associations. Dr. Barbanell currently works with Project VIEW, and was co-author of the 5-year, $10 million Federal Technology Innovation Grant that funds the project.

Patricia will demonstrate New Worlds, New Visions: The Interactive Revolution in Museum Programming for the Classroom