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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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George Washington: A National Treasure
Troy Lachance, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, USA
Deb Sisum, USA
Linda Thrift, National Portrait Gallery, USA

Demonstration: Demonstrations 2

Second Story Interactive Studios worked with the National Portrait Gallery to design "George Washington: A National Treasure" as both a stand-alone exhibition and a companion to the actual traveling tour being produced by the Gallery to showcase the famous "Lansdowne" painting of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart.

The site offers a distinct interactive interpretation and a way for people of all ages to learn about George Washington. The focus of the site is on the profound image the painting conveys and offers a virtual exhibition for visitors to explore the symbolic, biographic and artistic contributions of the painting. Visitors may also engage with other areas of the site including a Town Hall forum where discussions are raised regarding people's reactions to the painting and the man. To engage younger audiences the site highlights an interactive scavenger hunt for kids to learn more about our first president.