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published: April, 2002

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From Virtual to Reality: Using the Web to Initiate a New Museum
Richard Paselk, Humboldt State University, USA

Demonstration: Demonstrations 1

The Robert A. Paselk Scientific Instrument Museum is a new university museum which owes its existence to the web. How did the creation of a personal web museum lead to the establishment of a permanent, physical museum? How was the web-site changed to serve visitors to the new museum? The multiple functions of the current web site will be demonstrated emphasizing synergistic relations of the web "catalog" to the object displays, allowing both cursory and in depth exploration of each object and its relation to the museum's theme. Some of the adventures, successes and failures in creating the museum (collecting, preservation, restoration/repair, cataloging, photography, digitizing images, research, writing, creating HTML, web site design and navigation) as an individual effort will also be addressed.