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published: April, 2002

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Chicago WebDocent
Julia Brazas, CUIP: the Chicago PUblic Schools/University of Chicago Internet Project, USA

Mini-Workshop: E-Docents

Chicago WebDocent is a collaboration among six Chicago museums and libraries, the Chicago Public Schools, and the University of Chicago to develop Web-based K-12 curriculum materials using the collections of the museums. This collaboration brings together the experience of the Chicago Public Schools teachers, the development expertise of the University of Chicago, and the extensive resources available at the museums. The museums and library currently involved in this project are:

- The Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum

- The Field Museum of Natural History

- The Museum of Science and Industry

- The Oriental Institute

- Chicago Historical Society

- The Newberry Library.

This presentation will demonstrate two modules: "Transportation in the History of Chicago" and "Communication in the Ancient World."