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published: April, 2002

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Web Marketing: Strategies for Using Digital Media
Brian Clark, Zender & Associates, USA
Penny Peavler, Speed Art Museum, USA
Micah Zender, Zender & Associates, USA

Workshop: Web Marketing

This workshop will offer attendees the opportunity to learn about practical techniques for digital marketing. The session will be geared for both beginners and seasoned marketers who desire to integrate e-marketing effectively into their existing marketing strategies.

We will examine the following areas of digital marketing execution:

  • E-mail marketing
  • Interactive games / digital premiums
  • Multimedia CD-ROM marketing
  • Online vs. Offline promotion (traditional direct mail)
  • E-Newsletters
  • Digital Brochures
  • Interactive Ads

Specifically, we will provide a case study of the digital marketing campaign we are creating for the Speed Art Museum in Louisville, KY to promote their "Millet to Matisse" exhibition. The exhibition, set to debut 11/6/02, will be promoted yearlong in 2002 through multiple e-marketing resources, including a highly interactive and educational digital Z.brochure that we will demonstrate in the workshop.

Case Study

The Speed Art Museum digital marketing campaign centers around a customized interactive Z.brochure that Zender created to promote the M2M exhibition. Zender wrote the strategic plan for the campaign and is also developing many of the creative components for the campaign execution.

With participation by a representative of the Speed Art Museum, Zender + Associates will profile the three main areas of digital marketing strategy in the campaign used to the promote the M2M exhibition:

1. Digital marketing

2. Direct mail marketing

3. E-mail marketing