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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Marjolein Towler
Project Manager
Consultas Pty Ltd
11 McKay Court
Bibra Lake Western Australia
6163 Australia
Email: mt@consultas.com.au

Marjolein Towler (pronounced Mar-Yolane) BA (Communication Studies & English - Murdoch University), Dip.Tech (Instructional Multimedia - Advanced Manufacturing Technology Centre), MA (Multimedia Design - Curtin University of Technology). Born in The Hague, The Netherlands, Marjolein has lived in Perth, Western Australia since 1987 where she formed Consultas Pty Ltd (www.consultas.com.au) with her husband. Her main interest lies in the need for effective communication with digital technologies. As Project Manager, Information Designer and Creative Director she undertook, with Scott Ludlam as graphic designer and Nick Burningham as writer/researcher, the development of the Duyfken 1606 Replica Foundation website in 1998 as a community project. They have since developed the two major re-designs of the website, the Chevron 2000 Expedition and the current VOC 2002 Voyagie. In addition Marjolein set up the Bachelor of Multimedia degree programme at Murdoch University from July 1998 until July 2000. She was Acting Managing Director of Imago Cooperative Multimedia Centre from September 2001 until February 2002 and Depute Chairman from 1999 until early 2002. She is the Deputy Chair of the Film and Television Institute (FTI) in Fremantle, and National Committee Member for WA of the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association AIMIA).

Marjolein will present Here and there: managing multiply - purposed digital assets on the Duyfken website