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published: April, 2002

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Ana Ramirez Carr
Science Communication Program Coordinator
University of Guadalajara
Department of Environmental Sciences and Human Communities
J. Guadalupe Montenegro 2258
Guadalajara Jalisco
44150 Mexico
Email: anacarr@netscape.net

Agronomist graduated from the University of Guadalajara in 1984. In 1993 I was awarded a Fulbright scholarship for graduate education in the United States. In 1995 I got a Masters degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from Iowa State University. In 1999 I got a doctorate degree in Agricultural Education and Extension. Currently I am a Researcher-professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at the College of Agriculture, University of Guadalajara. Also I am the Science Communication Program Coordinator for the University of Guadalajara. Have worked on distance education programs that include web-site components and evaluation. Have been web-master for different educational programs since 1995. My research interests include diffusion of innovation, distance education, risk communication and public opinion on environmental issues. (h#) 3630-070

Ana Ramirez will present Pre-Testing to Predict Participation in Online Communities