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published: April, 2002

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Nicoletta Di Blas
Politecnico di Milano
Via Durando, 10 Building G Campus Bovisa
20133 Italy
Email: diblas@mail2.elet.polimi.it

Nicoletta Di Blas graduated in Classics by the Catholic University of Milan and obtained a PhD in Linguistic Sciences by the same university. She currently teaches as a reasearch assistant Sociology of Communication by the Politecnico of Milan (campus of Como) and collaborates with the Philosophy of Language chair by the Catholic University of Milan. Her research interests focus on linguistic themes (the deictic reference in natural languages) and on the relation between rhethoric and new technologies, in particular as regards cultural heritage applications.

Nicoletta will teach Systematic Requirements Analysis for Building Effective Web Sites
Nicoletta will present Evaluating the features of Museum Websites (The Bologna Report)