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published: April, 2002

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Katherine Goodnow
Assoc. Professor
University of Bergen
Fosswinkelsgt. 6
5007 Norway
Email: kate.goodnow@media.uib.no

Dr. Katherine Judith Goodnow is an Associate Professor at the Department of Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway. She is also a Board Member of the International Museums Studies Programme in Bergen which is a collaborative initiative between the Design and Architecture Departments at the Norwegian Art College in Bergen and the University of Bergen. Dr. Goodnow has worked as a consultant for the Iziko Museums in South Africa creating training programs and working on exhibition development since 1999. She holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia and postgraduate degrees in Media Studies from the University of Bergen, Norway and is responsible for postgraduate students working in New Media in Ecuador, Bolivia and Norway.

Katherine will present South Africa, Storytelling and the Web