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published: April, 2002

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Yngvar Natland
Master Student
University of Bergen
Department of Media Studies
Postboks 7800
5007 Bergen
5020 Norway
Email: yngvar@student.uib.no

Mr. Yngvar Natland has a background in TV-production, computer science and sociology. He is currently developing a teaching program for the Web about bullying in school. The program is developed in co-operation with the Research Centre for Health Promotion at the University of Bergen. He will commence his Ph. D. this year on the subject of games as an e-learning tool. Mr. Natland has had primary responsibility for developing the Iziko Stories web-project. Other members of the research team have included: Merethe Blyth, Xiaole Dai, Torgeir Kvanlid, Christian Mona and Silja Haaland Pettersen.

Yngvar will present South Africa, Storytelling and the Web