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published: April, 2002

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Philip Greenspun
Web Expert
Orange/France Telecom Cambridge Research Center and MIT
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
545 Technology Square, Room 414
Cambridge MA
02139 USA
Email: philg@mit.edu

Philip Greenspun, web expert, founder of ArsDigita Philip Greenspun has been in and around the Massachusetts Institute of Technology since 1979. He is currently teaching "Software Engineering for Web Applications" (6.171), a course that he co-developed with Hal Abelson. This has been a successful course at MIT and is being used by computer science departments at 20 other universities around the world. Greenspun is the author of two textbooks used at MIT, including Internet Application Workbook (available at http://philip.greenspun.com/internet-application-workbook/). In the mid-1990s, Greenspun founded the Scalable Systems for Online Communities research group at MIT and spun it out into ArsDigita, which grew into a $30 million (revenue) open-source enterprise software company. The software is best known for its support of public online communities, such as photo.net, which started as Philip Greenspun's home page and grew to serve 110,000 users educating each other to become better photographers

Philip will participate in a Exhibit Design as Experience Design: merging the worlds of museums, technology, and performance