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published: April, 2002

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Harald Krämer
die lockere gesellschaft - TRANSFUSIONEN
PO Box 391
1061 Austria
Email: kraemer@transfusionen.de

Dr. phil. Harald Kraemer, studied art history, classical archeology and history in the universities of Trier/Moselle and Vienna; MA in museological studies and curatorship of the Institute for Cultural Studies (IKW) Vienna; 1993 founder of a consulting company for Museuminformatics and New Media; 1997-1998 cooperation with Science Wonder Productions ("Vienna Walk"); 1999 Co-founder of die lockere gesellschaft - TRANSFUSIONEN (CD-ROM "Art and Industry"); 1999-2001 University of Cologne (SFB/FK 427 "Documentation of Contemporary Art"); recent publications: "Euphorie digital?" Co-Ed., Bielefeld, 2001; "Museumsinformatik und Digitale Sammlung", WUV Vienna, 2001

Harald will present Swiss National Museums - the design of a virtual museum