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published: April, 2002

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Ralph Swick
Development Lead, RDF
World Wide Web Consortium
Room NE43-348
545 Technology Square
Cambridge MA
02139 USA
Email: swick@w3.org

Ralph joined W3C in January 1997, to focus on the Privacy and Demographics project. As that project (now called P3P) was starting, Ralph also started the Metadata project. The Resource Description Framework has now become a full-time responsibility. Ralph came to us from the X Consortium, where he was Technical Director for the X Window System. Ralph brings to W3C both a systems background and an application background. Long involved with the X Window System, Ralph was one of the architects of the Xt Intrinsics (user interface) toolkit. Prior to joining the X Consortium, Ralph was a software engineer for Digital Equipment Corporation in their Office Systems Advanced Development Group. There he worked on informaiton filtering tools (software agents) and computer-supported cooperative work tools. Before that, Ralph was in Digital's Corporate Research Group working at MIT Project Athena. Ralph holds a BS in Physics and Mathematics from Carnegie-Mellon University. Ralph's interests are in applications of Web technologies to support human-human interaction, especially over time and distance.

Ralph will present RDF - How can museums take advantage of it?