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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Jane Hunter
Research Scientist
DSTC Pty. Ltd.
Level 7 GP South
Staff House Rd
University of Queensland
St Lucia Queensland
4072 Australia
Email: jane@dstc.edu.au

Jane is currently project leader of the MAENAD (Multimedia Access for Enterprises across Networks And Domains) project, which is investigating standards (Dublin Core, MPEG-7, INDECS) and schemas (RDF, XML) for multimedia resource management. She is editor of the MPEG-7 Definition Description Language (DDL) Working Draft, co-chair of the MPEG-7 DDL group, liaison between MPEG, W3Cand Dublin Core. She is also a principal investigator in the Harmony Project - an International Digital Library project between Cornell, DSTC and the University of Bristol, investigating "Metadata for the Management of Multimedia Digital Objects".

Jane will present Combining the CIDOC CRM and MPEG-7 to Describe Multimedia in Museums