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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

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Digital Edutainment in Museums: Immersion by digital storytelling and user centered design methods
Stefan Göbel, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Germany
Sebastian Sauer, ion2s - buero fuer interaktion, Germany

Workshop: Digital Edutainment

The goal of this half-day workshop is to point out the possibilities, benefits and opportunities for museums implementing different kinds of exhibitions and innovative edutainment environments using the methods and concepts of interactive storytelling and User Centered Interface Design Methods.

The global idea of DinoHunter (originated and developed through cooperation between the Digital Storytelling Department of ZGDV Darmstadt e.V. and the user interface specialists ion2s buero fuer interaction) aims at the establishment of Integrated Concepts for mobile edutainment applications, especially in the community of scientific museums and the example research discipline of palaeontology. Within this workshop the DinoHunter modules are presented, discussed and explained. The technologies and methods to develop and prove such integrated media systems are presented. By describing the first implementation of DinoHunter modules at the Senckenberg Museum of palaentology in Germany this workshop will offer a field report, evaluation results and a view into the future of immersive edutainment environments within museums.

Besides the main example of DinoHunter and the integrated Media System Concept, we will introduce and discuss several projects in the field of cultural heritage and museums, such as Tangible Information Kiosk (IZA), art-e-fact, GEIST, and momuna (mobile museum navigator).