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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

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Silvia Filippini Fantoni
Université Paris I-Sorbonne
Centre de Recherche Images et Analyses

Silvia Filippini Fantoni is a student at the Sorbonne University in Paris, where she is working on her PhD about “Personalisation through IT in museums”. She graduated in contemporary history from the University of Milan and has experience in working as a researcher at the European Centre for Digital Communication (Heerlen, NL), at the McLuhan Institute (Maastricht, NL) as well as at the Louvre Museum (Paris, France), where she focused on developing personalisation applications for the new website. The results of work carried out so far have been presented at international conferences and seminars (EVA, ICHIM and Museums & the Web), where positive contributions towards the hypothesis have already been received and have led to interesting collaborations with Dédale on a European Union study on “Cultural Institutions as New Learning Environments” , La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris and the Canadian Heritage Information Network.

Silvia will present Personalization and the Web from a Museum Perspective.