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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

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Liddy Nevile
Adjunct Associate Professor
La Trobe University
Computer Science
Kingsbury Drive
Bundoora Victoria
3086 Australia

Liddy has been interested in museums and technology since establishing a classroom in the Museum of Victoria late last century (in the 80's). New forms of interactive computationally-supported environments for learning and cultural activity are of particular interest. Liddy taught law for 15 years, experimenting with computers in this context; 'experimented' with young children and computers in the early 80's; explored opportunities at schools in which every child had their own computer in the late 80's, and was Director of the Sunrise Research Laboratory at RMIT University for most of the 90's. Current particular interests are in metadata and the accessibity of web content.

Liddy will present Rich Experiences for All Participants.