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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License



Renate Meyer
Audio Visual Archivist
Centre for Popular Memory
University of Cape Town, SA
c/o Historical Studies, UCT
P Bag, 7701 South Africa
Cape Town Western Cape
7701 South Africa

Renate Meyer is currently employed as Senior Audio Visual Archivist at the Centre for Popular Memory,UCT. She is involved in archiving and training around digital dissimination, web based media, preservation and developing audiovisual exhibitions and output in the heritage arena. Meyer has a direct interest in the use of the web and technology as a tool for education and dissimination and developing effective practice for using this technology to service communies not usually exposed to interactive web media. She has published and lectured extensively on these issues and the role of archives and cultural practice in reconciliation of volatile civil societies and has been involved in many levels of heritage practice, including working as a curator in NGO's such as the District Six Museum, as well as Provincial government and Parliament.

Renate will present Digitising African Oral Narratives In A Global Arena.