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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0  License



Milena Droumeva
Simon Fraser University
2400 Central City
10153 King George Hwy Surrey

Milena Droumeva is currently completing a BA in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University, specializing in the fields of Acoustic Communication, Acoustic Ecology and electroacoustic sound production. Along with a strong background in media and cultural studies, in particular social aspects of advertising and ideology, Milena has worked on several self-directed projects with Dr. Barry Truax. One paper titled “Redefining the public and the private” concentrates on the implications of consumer electroacoustic devices in our acoustic, social and cultural environments, redefining the boundaries between public and private spheres. This project, along with a focus group research paper is currently under review for inclusion in the Journal of Acoustic Ecology. Milena Droumeva has worked extensively with analogue, stereo and 8-channel audio production, and studied the aesthetic, physchoacoustic, as well as physical aspects of sound. She is currently involved in the audio production and design of ec(h)o – a research project developing an interactive audio display installation for museum environments.

Milena will present Interactive Audio Content: An Approach to Audio Content for a Dynamic Museum Experience through Augmented Audio Reality and Adaptive Information Retrieval.