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published: March 2004
analytic scripts updated:  October 28, 2010

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Dean Rehberger
Associate Director
Michigan State University
MATRIX, Center for Humane Arts, Letters and Social Sciences Online
310 Auditorium Bldg.
East Lansing MI
48824 USA

Dean Rehberger is Associate Director of MATRIX, the Center for Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online. Dean has been teaching with technology for over a decade. He specializes in using online technologies and developing educational resources for the World Wide Web. He has run numerous faculty technology and workshops and given presentations for educators and cultural heritage workers from local, national and international audiences. His primary areas of research include: information design and architecture; digital libraries, museums and archives; Internet technologies in the classroom; and hybrid learning environments. He also coordinators many large grant projects for Matrix, including the National Gallery of the Spoken Word, a National Digital Library Initiative Phase II spearheaded by the National Science Foundation and the NSF/JISC grant, The Spoken Word: New Resources to Transform Teaching and Learning.

Dean teaches graduate course in American Studies (theories and methods), cultural studies, writing theory, and teaching with technology. He teaches undergraduate course in humanities computing, hypertext theory, and advanced web design. He has developed for the College of Arts & Letters at MSU a Humanities Computing Certificate Program for graduate students and faculty members

Dean will present Bits & Bolts to Bits & Bytes: The Quilt Index Online Repository and Distributed Archival Management System.