March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Demonstrations: Description

Content Clips - Learning Activity Templates for Digital Libraries

Lois McLean, McLean Media, USA
Rick Tessman, McLean Media, USA

Now that digitization projects are relatively commonplace within cultural institutions, many organizations are finding the need to move beyond simply making database-driven collections available on-line towards providing tools and services that make these resources more useful for specific educational audiences and settings. With research funding from the National Science Foundation's National Science Digital Library (NSDL), the authors are creating and evaluating a prototype Web-based learning environment called Content Clips. This study is examining the issues involved in building a Flash-based template system to let elementary teachers and curriculum developers select, build, customize, and assign learning activities to a class, group, or individual student. The project specifically addresses a current gap in research: how to increase the educational impact of digital libraries at the elementary level. While the research focus is life science content for Grades 3-5, findings will have broad application for other content areas, grade levels, and educational settings.

Demonstration: Demonstrations [Close-Up]

Keywords: digital libraries, interactive learning, K-12 education, multimedia, Flash templates