April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Sessions: Abstract

Towards Community Contribution: Empowering Community Voices On-line   go to paper

Angèle Alain, Library and Archives Canada, Canada
Michelle Foggett, National Archives, United Kingdom

This case study discusses the processes and best practices for enabling community contributions to Web products. We compare community involvement in the National Archives of England and Wales (TNA) migration Web site Moving Here: 200 Years of Migration to England to Library and Archives Canada's immigration Web site Moving Here, Staying Here: The Canadian Immigrant Experience. TNA worked directly with different communities, whereas Library and Archives Canada worked indirectly with them, via genealogy centers, historical societies and subject experts, to develop similar Web sites on common subjects. What was involved, what could we have done differently? These are but a few of the questions we aim to answer.

Session: User Contributed Content [Contributed Content]

Keywords: exclusion, wiki, engagement, tools, memory, re-collection, digitisation, community, immigration