Speaker: Angèle Alain
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Angèle Alain

Project Manager
Library and Archives Canada
Programs and Services
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa ON
K1A 0N4 Canada

Angèle Alain graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Masters degree in History and Women's Studies in 1998. She has worked at Library and Archives Canada for the past 8 years, first as a government archivist and as a photo archivist and, since 2001, as a project manager in Web Content and Services. She has managed several major online projects and partnerships, on subjects ranging from Expo 67 to archival fakes and forgeries. In 2004 and 2005, she led the project team of a flagship website on immigration in Canada.

Angèle will present Towards Community Contribution: Empowering Community Voices On-line. [Paper]