April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Demonstrations: Description

Design Hub - an online magazine and portal to the collections of the world's design museums

Nicole Bearman, Powerhouse Museum, Australia
Sebastian Chan, Powerhouse Museum, Australia

Design Hub ( is a unique online design resource that acts as both a gateway to the world's best design collections and an online magazine that includes news, interviews, opinions and ideas across the breadth of design.

Design Hub was developed by the Powerhouse Museum with the University of Western Sydney and University of Technology Sydney, and funding from the Australian Research Council. Design Hub provides an inroad to the Powerhouse Museum's extensive design and decorative arts collection through a range of articles from various contributors.

Design Hub is going global and aims to allow cross-institutional searching and exposure across the best design museums around the world. It uses the Opensearch protocol to quickly and easily aggregate collection search results from multiple institutions. Contributing institutions gain from added exposure of their collection and access to the social search patterns tracked and aggregated by the site, building on the Powerhouse Museum's innovative work in this area.

Come and see for yourself and find out how to add your institution to Design Hub.

Demonstration: Demonstrations - 2 [Close-Up]

Keywords: web2.0, opensearch, collection, portal, data-sharing