Speaker: Martin Koplin
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Martin Koplin

Project Coordinator
Nordwolle Fabrikmuseum and University of Applied Sciences Bremen
Am Turbinenhaus 10-12
27749 Germany

Martin Koplin (M.A., M.A.) studied Cultural Sciences, Sociology, Art History and European Labour Studies at the University of Bremen and is preparing his doctoral level in Computer Sciences. He worked as a filmmaker and media artist and curated media festivals. He was working as a researcher in the field of digital media at the University of Bremen and as the coordinator of the international Master program Digital Media at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen. Today he is coordinator for scientific projects in the field cultural heritage and urban media and is part of the eCulture Factory of the Fraunhofer IAIS.

Martin will demonstrate MORITZ: A European mobile media project for historical textile industry museums. [Demonstration]