Speaker: Laura Solanilla
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Laura Solanilla

Open University of Catalonia
Humanities Studies
Av. Tibidabo, 39-42
Barcelona Catalonia
08035 Spain

In 2001 I was awarded my degree in Humanities from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, and in 2002 began PhD Courses in the PhD programme on the Information and Knowledge Society of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. On December 2004 I received my Research Sufficiency (DEA) and began my doctoral thesis, whose predicted date of finishing is April 2008. My thesis deals with Oral Heritage, Museums and Internet. Relating to my research line, my work focuses on everything related to cyberculture, and more specifically on the analysis of the potential of ICT in Heritage and Museums. I belong to the Research Group Museia , Platform for research into cultural heritage and the study of museums and their function in the ICT Society, where I direct the Memory Museia Area that focuses on projects related to the recovery of the historical memory of a community: industrial heritage, migrations, wars, life stories etc. In fact, we focus on: Memory and Collective Identity through ICT and Heritage Institutions Use of ICT in cultural centres and other entities that facilitate the preservation, continuation and management of Tangible or Intangible Heritage resources

Laura will demonstrate Industrial Heritage, memory preservation and ICT. [Demonstration]