April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Demonstrations: Description

Industrial Heritage, memory preservation and ICT   go to paper

Glòria Munilla, UOC (Open University of Catalonia), Spain
Laura Solanilla, Open University of Catalonia, Spain

This project is conceived as an interdisciplinary project, to be developed in three years and involving different museums and heritage institutions. Its framework goal is to extend the relationship between industrial heritage, memory and ICTs, placing special emphasis on formal and non-formal education, teaching and learning, and in particular the potential of ICTs. Specifically, the project has as its main goals preserving the industrial heritage of Catalonia; the use of industrial heritage as a learning goal; and the development of virtual (on-line/on site) resources for industrial heritage management, documentation and dissemination.

Complementary goals are to analyse virtual resources and tools that can be used in transversal areas of knowledge like heritage; and to investigate the design of learning activities that use these resources. From this perspective, we consider it essential to conduct a theoretical and methodological review of the current state of knowledge in this area, and the development of case studies and specific products, including an evaluation process. Taking as a base the different experiences carried out in this area, we intend to confirm that the ICT resources in the Broadcasting and Didactics of Heritage can become an essential factor for formal education. Bearing in mind the above, this proposed project relates to the research, analysis and design of tools channeled particularly to promote this new interdisciplinary area of knowledge.

Demonstration: Demonstrations - 2 [Close-Up]

Keywords: industrial heritage, memory, didactic, learning, ICT, museum, evaluation