Speaker: Helmut Eirund
April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Speakers: Biography

Helmut Eirund

University of Applied Sciences
Computer Science
FB 4: Elektrotechnik und Informatik
Flughafenallee 10
Raum 216
D-28199 Germany

Prof. Dr.Eirund is professor for computer science of the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen. He is working in the field of media systems, e-learning, mobile gaming, and e-entertainment. He published numerious articles and books about mobile applications and is a member of the Mobile Research Center Bremen. After his studies of computer sciences at the University of Kiel, Helmut Eirund worked from 1985- 1992 in the research lab of Triumph-Adler TA, Nürnberg (Germany) as technical leader of European project ESPERIT 28/MULTOS. 1991 he completed his PhD on multimedia data management. 1994 he followed a call to the FH Harz (University of Applied Science Harz), where he founded the 'Studiengang Medieninformatik' studies of multimedia computer sciences. Since 2001 he works at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen within the digital media studies program.

Helmut will demonstrate MORITZ: A European mobile media project for historical textile industry museums. [Demonstration]