Museums and the Web 1999

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Published: March 1999.


Research at the Australian War Memorial Web site

Robbie Braithwaite , Australian War Memorial, Australia

Session: Demonstrations 2

The Australian War Memorial is a unique commemorative institution. It provides a focus for the remembrance of Australia's war dead, and is also a leading cultural institution of international standing and a major research

archive of the records of war. The Memorial's current website was launched in March 1998 with the intention of making accessible information about services and products offered within each of the three functional areas identified above.

The demonstration will focus on the research-oriented aspects of the site, featuring searchable databases of records from several major curatorial areas of the Memorial's national collection: Photographs, Sound, and Film; Books and Private Records; and Art. Of these, the largest and most frequently visited is the Photographs database, which contains 186,000 images in both thumbnail and large versions. In addition, the site provides access to biographical databases such as the Roll of Honour, which

lists the names and associated details of the more than 102,000 Australians who have died at war. Other research-related facilities such as enquiry forms, FAQs, and information sheets will also be shown. The site has proved

popular with a large number of visitors, including both military and family historians, and was a winner at the 1998 Australian Internet Awards.