Museums and the Web 1999

Best of the Web

Archives & Museum Informatics
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Published: March 1999.


Attendees got an overview of the diversity of museum activity on the web in the Demonstration Hall. They saw "Up-Close" the techniques used to create museum web sites.

Museum staff showed the key features of their web sites during a full morning of concurrent demonstrations. This was a great chance to discover the tips and tricks that make museum web sites work. Attendees were able to meet and question their colleagues in the informal setting of the Demonstration Hall.

Concurrently, a series of in-depth mini-workshops gave attendees a chance to see "Up Close" how to use particular tools to enhance their web site.

Sunday March 14, 1999

8:30 AM-
9:30 AM


Exhibitor Presentations

ACSIOM's Integrated Learning System (ILS)
Laura Eve-Cowles, ACSIOM, USA

NTT Multimedia Communications Laboratories, Inc.
Julie Bishop, NTT Multimedia Communications Laboratories, Inc., USA

Educational Web Adventures
David T. Schaller, Educational Web Adventures, USA

Grove's Dictionaries, Inc.
Diane Fortenberry, Grove's Dictionaries, Inc., USA

SIRS Mandarin, Inc.
Wendell Butler, SIRS Mandarin Inc., USA

KE Software, Inc.
Andrzej Kowalski, KE Software, Inc., Canada

8:30 AM-
10:00 AM


Demonstrations 1

Development of a Website for Historic Mabry-Hazen House
Teresa Smith Welsh, University of Tennessee, USA

SAGRES - A Virtual Museum
Ana Carolina Bertoletti, Museu de Ciencias e Tecnologia/PUCRS, Brazil
Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa, Escola de Informática-UCPEL, Brazil

The Art of Collaboration: Art Museum New Media Projects
Christina DePaolo, Seattle Art Museum, USA

Museum Explorers Project
Lorilee C. Huffman, Southern Illinois University Museum, USA
Jennifer Earls, Southern Illinois University Museum, USA
L. M. Wood, Southern Illinois University Museum, USA

Beethoven Online
Manfred Bogen, GMD - German National Research Center for Information, Germany
Martin Goebel, GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology, Germany
Simone Lahme, GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology, Germany

Database Publishing Without Databases
Martin Warnke, Universität Lüneburg, Germany
Paul F. Siegert, Universität Lüneburg, Germany
Carmen Wedemeyer, Universität Lüneburg, Germany

Russian Museum Web Sites
Olga Kissel, State Russian Museum, Russia
Tatyana Kolpakova, State Russian Museum, Russia

The Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network (SCRAN)
Sandy Buchanan, Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network (SCRAN), Scotland

Adapting Hands-on Activities on the National Museum of American History Website
Tim Grove, National Museum of American History, USA

Museofile For Public and Curators.
Olga de Narp, Ministry of Culture, France

IPIX immersive photography in the Frick Collection virtual tour
Vivian Gill, The Frick Collection, USA
Bill Swersey, New York University

9:30 AM-
10:30 AM


24 hours

The 24 Hour Museum: Connecting Museum Content to the Grid for Learning
Loyd Grossman, United Kingdom
Matthew Stiff, Museum Documentation Association, United Kingdom

9:30 AM-
10:30 AM


End Users

End Users in the Design Process: Analysis of the Integration of the Human Factors in MusInfo
Isabelle Naef Galuba, Musées d'art et d'histoire de Genève, Switzerland

9:30 AM-
10:30 AM


In-House Integration

On-line Exhibit Design: The Socio-Technological Impact of Building a Museum over the World Wide Web
Paul Marty, Spurlock Museum, University of Illinois, USA

9:30 AM-
10:30 AM


Online Image Databases

Skills and Toolset for Creating an Online Image Database
David T. Gilbert, National Park Service, USA

9:30 AM-
10:30 AM


Search engines

Search Engines Are Not Rocket Science - A Look at Current Search Engine Technology
Thomas Hofmann, The Powerhouse Museum, Australia

12:30 PM-
2:00 PM


Demonstrations 2

Kenya & the Web: Challenges of Connectivity
Lawrence Monda, National Museums of Kenya, Kenya

Rings of Passion: How the Web can trump reality
Steve Mencher, Mensch Media, USA
Nina Tovish, Lucid Design, USA

Virtual Classroom 'Race across Time'
Jason Gee, Powerhouse Museum, Australia

New Britain Museum of American Art - Benton Exhibition
Dorothy Cantor, New Britain Museum of American Art, USA

Georgia's Natural History Moves to the Web
Amy Lyn Edwards, University of Georgia, USA

Web Site of the New Museum of Contemporary Art
Donna Gesualdo, New Museum of Contemporary Art, USA

The Field Museum of Natural History Demonstration
Brad Loetel, The Field Museum of Chicago, USA

The Living Tradition of Yup'ik Masks CD-ROM
Timothy Peters, University of Michigan, USA

Demonstration of a Web Based Thesaurus
Daphne Charles, Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, United Kingdom

Research at the Australian War Memorial Web site
Robbie Braithwaite, Australian War Memorial, Australia

1:00 PM-
2:00 PM


3-D Navigable Exhibits

Exploiting the Potential of 3D Navigable Virtual Exhibition Spaces
Cristina Cerulli, ABACUS - University of Strathclyde, Scotland

1:00 PM-
2:00 PM


Controlled Vocabulary

How Forcible are Right Words! *: Overview of Applications and Interfaces Incorporating the Getty Vocabularies
Patricia Harpring, Getty Information Institute, USA

1:00 PM-
2:00 PM


Distributed Web Applications

Developing Distributed Applications on the Web
Nicholas Crofts, Direction des Systèmes d'Information (DSI), Switzerland

1:00 PM-
2:00 PM



The Use of FileMaker for Museum Databases (Collection, Contact and Program Databases)
James Swanson, Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies, Canada

1:00 PM-
2:00 PM


Retrieval of Images

User Evaluation in the Retrieval of Digital Art Images
Samantha Hastings, University of North Texas, USA
Theresa J. Russell, University of North Texas, USA