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published: April, 2002

© Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002.
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Networked multi-sensory experiences: Beyond browsers on the web and in the museum
Jeff Burke, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Fabian Wagmister, UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television, USA

Mini-Workshop: Networked multi-sensory experiences

Using our past media-rich installation and performance work as a reference point, this session will present a vision of digital technology for the museum as a dynamic connection-making tool, that defines new genres and enables new experiences of existing works. The authors' recent works include the interactive media-rich installations Time & Time Again? (with Lynn Hershman, commissioned for the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Germany), Invocation & Interference (premiered at the Festival International d'Arts Multimédia Urbains, France), Behind the Bars (premiered at the Central American Film and Video Festival, Nicaragua), and "two, three, many Guevaras" (commissioned for the Fowler Museum of Cultural History, Los Angeles), as well as the recent UCLA performance collaborations Fahrenheit 451, Macbett, and The Iliad Project.