April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Interactions: Description

Ràdio Web MACBA: four years of experience with podcasting   go to paper

Sònia López, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Spain
Anna Ramos, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Spain

Winner of the Museums and the Web Best of the Web 2009 Podcast Award, Ràdio Web MACBA (RWM) has been producing on-line radio programs with a podcast subscription service since 2006. Over its four years of activities, this platform, which began as a showcase for the exhibitions and activities of the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, has also developed into a content-generator for specific projects, focusing on the exploration of sound art, radiophonic art and experimental music. It is now a project that produces its own content as a base from which to build bridges between radiophonic production and other lines of work (from generating documentary material for the MACBA Study Center or MACBA Collection to programming public activities or related exhibitions), replicating and intensifying the viral functioning that is inherent in working on the Internet in other spheres of activity.

Our informal session will be based on our own experiences and the main problems that we deal with (working in a trilingual context and publishing copyrighted material on-line) as a starting point for working with participants and sharing possible approaches for developing a radiophonic platform or podcast service. We believe that the interest and added value of a project of this kind lies in offering high-quality content and, above all, in the choice of subject matter and the casting of collaborators.

Mini-Workshop: Podcasting [production]

Keywords: Podcast, audio, sound art, radio, arts, radiophonic art