April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA


There were plenty of opportunities at MW2010 for people to meet, discuss and debate.

Mini-Workshops introduced tools, methods, or techniques. The Crit Room featured a review of museum Web sites in "real time" and testing of attendees' Web sites took place in the Usability Lab. Issues were hashed out in Professional Forums. Exhibitors presented updates on their projects in Briefings. Birds of a Feather Tables provided a place for informal conversation.

For more details about types of presentations see the Description of Session Formats.

Briefings and Professional Forums

Friday April 16, 2010

8:00 am-
9:00 am

Maroon Peak -
2nd fl.Mount Elbert - HCC

21st Century Skills: An IMLS Report

Museums, Libraries, and 21st Century Skills, an IMLS Report

Helen Wechsler, USA

9:00 am-
9:30 am

Maroon Peak -
2nd fl.

Exhibitor Talk: ImageSpan

LicenseStream and Digimarc for Images Empower Missouri History Museum to Manage, Monitor and Monetize Its Digital Assets

Angela Dietz, Mary Kuch-Nagle, Candice Murray, USA

9:30 am-
10:00 am

Maroon Peak -
2nd fl.

Exhibitor Talk: Night Kitchen

PhilaPlace: Place-based Storytelling with Google Maps and CollectiveAccess

Michelle Ghadfa, USA

10:00 am-
10:30 am

Maroon Peak -
2nd fl.

Exhibitor Talk: NOUS

Making Sense of Modern Art Mobile: SFMOMA and NOUS-Guide

Peter Samis, Alexander Stickelberger, USA

10:30 am-
11:00 am

Maroon Peak -
2nd fl.

Exhibitor Talk: Azavea

From Cardboard Boxes to Google Maps: How Multiple Institutions’ Digital Collections Can Find a New Life on the Internet as a Consortium

Deborah Boyer, Carissa Brittain, USA

11:00 am-
12:00 pm

Grand Ballroom –
 2nd fl


Wikimedia and Museums

Liam Wyatt, Australia, David Bearman, Jennifer Trant, Canada

11:00 am-
11:30 am

Maroon Peak -
2nd fl.

Exhibitor Talk: Scopitone

Visioid: The Interactive and Multimédia Mobile Solution

Romaric DeFrance, France

11:30 am-
12:00 pm

Maroon Peak -
2nd fl.

Exhibitor Talk: Vernon Systems

Software as a service - the hosted eHive collections management system

Paul Rowe, New Zealand

1:30 pm-
3:30 pm

Maroon Peak -
2nd fl.

Exhibitor Workshop: Extensis

DAM Best Practices: A limited enrollment workshop

Marisela Alzuhn, USA

3:30 pm-
4:30 pm

Grand Ballroom –
 2nd fl

Should we be organizing a Museum Commons?

Museum Commons: Tragedy or Enlightened self-interest?

Rich Cherry, Michael Edson, USA

3:30 pm-
4:00 pm
Close Up

Maroon Peak -
2nd fl.

Exhibitor Talk: AdLib

Cool Developments from Adlib!

Bert Degenhart Drenth, The Netherlands

4:00 pm-
4:30 pm
Close Up

Maroon Peak -
2nd fl.

Exhibitor Talk: GLAMwiki

Introducing GLAMkit - a Free, Open-Source Web Framework for the GLAM Sector

Thomas Ashelford, Julien Phalip, Greg Turner, Alastair Weakley, Australia

Birds of a Feather Tables

Groups formed for some informal conversation around a topic or theme. Delegates proposed a subject, or joined a table with a topic that was intriguing and met others with sharedinterests.

BoF topics were proposed in the on-line community.

Friday April 16, 2010

8:30 am-
10:00 am

Imperial Ballroom Foyer

Birds of a Feather Tables I

groups by institution type

10:00 am-
11:30 am

Imperial Ballroom Foyer

Birds of a Feather Tables II

12:00 pm-
1:30 pm

Imperial Ballroom Foyer

Birds of a Feather Tables III

groups by job description and/or responsibility

2:00 pm-
3:30 pm

Imperial Ballroom Foyer

Birds of a Feather Tables IV

Crit Room

Experienced Web designers and new media managers reviewed real museum Web sites and offered their comments in the "Crit Room". Modeled on the art school critique, Web sites were volunteered in advance by MW2010 attendees who were present to pose the problem and respond.

Friday April 16, 2010

2:00 pm-
4:00 pm

Mount Elbert –

Crit Room

Bruce Wyman, USA

with panelists Dana Mitroff Silvers, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Christina DePaolo, Seattle Art Museum; and Nate Solas, Walker Art Centre

Usability Lab

Usability testing took place live inn the Usability Lab. Attendees:

  1. observed simple, low-cost, high-speed user testing of museum Web sites in action;
  2. volunteered to participate as a user tester and discover some of the problems users have on unknown sites; and
  3. volunteered sites to be tested.

Each user test lasted about 20 minutes (with time for comments and questions), and people moved in and out of the session. Sites to be tested were not evaluated in advance and volunteer users were selected at random.

The "user" left the room while the owner of the site describes what they consider a typical scenario – something the average user would be trying to do. This scenario was converted into a task and given to the user to perform along with some randomly selected standard tasks. After each test, the user, site owner, test administrators and audience discussed what was learned.

A variety of testing techniques were demostrated, emphasizing the thinking-aloud method so it was easy to follow along with the test subject. For more information about this technique, see Marty and Twidale's article Usability@90mph in First Monday.

Friday April 16, 2010

9:30 am-
11:30 am

Mount Elbert – HCC

Usability Lab

Richard Urban, Michael Twidale, USA

Mini-Workshops and an Interaction

Skill and method were presented in these participatory sessions.

Saturday April 17, 2010

8:30 am-
9:30 am

Grand Ballroom –
 2nd fl

Play at Work: Applying Agile Methods to Museum Web Site Development

Dana Mitroff Silvers, Alon Salant, USA

8:30 am-
9:30 am

Mount Evans A - HCC

Prototype an Interactive Exhibit in 90 Minutes

Bob Ketner, Robert Stephenson, USA

8:30 am-
9:30 am

Mount Elbert – HCC

Delivering gallery interactives using web technologies

Eric Bates, United Kingdom

8:30 am-
9:30 am

Mount Evans B - HCC

Building a cultural calendar

Bill Bostick, USA

8:30 am-
9:30 am

Maroon Peak –
 2nd fl

More than the sum of its parts: pulling together user involvement in a museum website

Gail Durbin, United Kingdom

9:30 am-
10:30 am

Maroon Peak –
 2nd fl

Pimp My Site Architecture: Reorganization and Usability Tools and Tactics to Reinvigorate Museum Web Sites on a Budget

Emily Grossman, Layla Masri, USA

9:30 am-
10:30 am

Mount Evans B - HCC

Many heads are better than one

Maarten Brinkerink, Lieke Heijmans, Johan Oomen, Thijs van Exel, The Netherlands

9:30 am-
10:30 am

Grand Ballroom –
 2nd fl

Tales of the Unexpected: A Pragmatic and Candid View of Life Post-Launch

Charlotte Sexton, United Kingdom, Allegra Burnette, Dana Mitroff Silvers, USA

9:30 am-
10:30 am

Mount Evans A - HCC

Ràdio Web MACBA: four years of experience with podcasting

Sònia López, Anna Ramos, Spain

9:30 am-
10:30 am

Mount Elbert - HCC

Rapid Prototyping and Collaboration Using Google Wave

Jes Koepfler, Joseph Maki, USA

There are formal sessions for the rest of Saturday.

Un-conference sessions

On the spot groups were formed in un-conference session on Thursday. Ideas were 'pitched' in a facilitated plenary session, and then self-organized groups got together in breakouts. See more details on the community site.


Museum sites were shown by the people involved in their creation in MW2010 Demonstrations.