April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Interactions: Description

Software as a service - the hosted eHive collections management system

Paul Rowe, Vernon Systems Ltd., New Zealand

eHive is a hosted, web-based collections management system developed by Vernon Systems Ltd. This new product was developed to make it easier for smaller, volunteer-run organisations, and geographically spread organisations, to manage their collections. Public access to the collections is a key feature of eHive.

This briefing shows how two clients have used eHive to better manage their collections.

  • South Georgia Museum in the South Atlantic is a small museum which is open for half the year. During the winter months the curator is based in the UK, so eHive provided a simple way of cataloguing the collection from either location.
  • East Hendred Museum in the UK are a volunteer run organisation. Using eHive reduced their IT budget and gave volunteers access to the cataloguing system from their homes.

Briefing: Exhibitor Talk: Vernon Systems [updates]

Keywords: collections management, hosting, small museums