April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Interactions: Description

LicenseStream and Digimarc for Images Empower Missouri History Museum to Manage, Monitor and Monetize Its Digital Assets

Candice Murray, ImageSpan Inc., USA
Angela Dietz, Missouri Historical Society, USA
Mary Kuch-Nagle, Digimarc Corporation, USA

The Missouri History Museum wanted to leverage the power of the Web to extend its reach globally so that anyone, anywhere in the world could quickly find images from its extensive collection of historic prints, photos and other digital assets, and license them on the spot. Even as the museum wanted to raise the visibility of its digital images to expand revenue opportunities, it needed to protect those images from unauthorized use.

ImageSpan and Digimarc will demonstrate how their joint image management solution empowered the Missouri History Museum to unlock and share its vault of digital assets while better managing, monitoring and monetizing those images.

Initially, Missouri History Museum worked with ImageSpan to implement LicenseStream Business Edition, which automates the costly processes of content licensing and royalty settlement, including ongoing management of licensing renewals for its wide-ranging archives. Those archives include many Native American and Civil War-era images and other images from the annals of Americana.

Missouri History Museum chose LicenseStream because it allows the museum to license its digital assets directly from its own website, instead of requiring the uploading of images to a separate Web service. The service enables the museum to publish its search-optimized images to the Web and to major search engines, and lets customers license the images with a few mouse clicks. This raises the visibility of the museum’s images, turns each of these images into a storefront online, and shortens the transaction time between search, discovery and payment. The solution shaved up to six weeks off the time it took customers to find and license an image using previous manual processes. In addition, it dramatically cut the time spent by museum staff on internal searches for images, processing forms and tracking financials.

Digimarc for Images was added to the solution to help manage and track the images once they are posted to the Web. Digimarc for Images adds an imperceptible digital watermark to each image to consistently communicate copyright ownership and usage rights wherever the image is found online. The LicenseStream Content Tracker then continuously monitors billions of images on the Web looking for uniquely watermarked content and provides regular reporting on where a content owner’s images are found. When content is used without permission, the museum can select from several automated options – email offers to license the image on the spot, requests to provide attribution, a link back to the museum’s site, initiate collections or take down an image. With these content tracking and remedy capabilities, the joint solution turns the museum’s portfolio of images on the Web into multiple agents that drive traffic back to the Museum’s website.

Together, LicenseStream and Digimarc for Images provide the Missouri History Museum with a powerful solution that speeds the pace of transactions, drives Web traffic and provides the automated services it needs to identify and drive more sales opportunities.

Briefing: Exhibitor Talk: ImageSpan [updates]

Keywords: ImageSpan, LicenseStream, Digimarc for Images, Missouri History Museum, intellectual property, monetize content