Speaker: Candice Murray
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Candice Murray

Vice President, Enterprise Business Development
ImageSpan Inc.
1750 Bridgeway, Suite A100
Sausalito CA
94965 USA

Candice works with the business development team at ImageSpan to successfully engage with enterprise-level organizations , including media and entertainment companies, cultural institutions, advertising agencies and content delivery networks, and to implement Imagespan’s LicenseStream, a market-leading licensing and royalty settlement automation platform. She also works closely with the ImageSpan executive team to set pricing. Candice brings to ImageSpan more than ten years of experience and expertise in content licensing and rights management. Prior to joining ImageSpan, Candice served as Director of Sales at Jupiter Images, where she was responsible for developing and executing sales strategies with a focus on licensing rights managed, royalty free and subscription-based content. Before joining Jupiter, she served in a similar capacity as Sales Manager at Corbis, where she also was involved in developing successful business integration plans for newly-acquired businesses. Previously, as Vice President, Sales at Superstock, and before that as Director of Sales at Imagestate, she played similar roles and also served as in both positions as a worldwide sales leader.

Candice will introduce LicenseStream and Digimarc for Images Empower Missouri History Museum to Manage, Monitor and Monetize Its Digital Assets. [Briefing]