April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Interactions: Description

Museums, Libraries, and 21st Century Skills, an IMLS Report

Helen Wechsler, Institute of Museum and Library Services, USA

This session will introduce and discuss a recent IMLS report, "Museums, Libraries, and 21st Century Skills,". This report includes a self-assessment tool that enables museums and libraries to position themselves on a 21st century skills/community engagement continuum. Of course, the use of digital technologies and media play a big role in the report and the recommendations. IMLS took this on because the current 21st century skills national/international conversations tend to focus on the workforce, higher education, or K-12. The potential of museums and libraries to contribute to proficiency in many of these skills - in the out-of-school environment and in partnership with formal education or business-has been absent from these conversations.

We had a distinguished task force of museum and library leaders who helped guide our work, and we vetted various drafts with different museum and library groups. We see the project as a beginning - and will be offering grants in all of our programs that enable museums and libraries to explore their roles as 21st century learning institutions.

Report available from:

Briefing: 21st Century Skills: An IMLS Report [organizations]

Keywords: IMLS, training, skills, education