Speaker: Greg Turner
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Greg Turner

the Interaction Consortium
L1/722 Bourke St
Redfern NSW
2016 Australia

Greg has been building websites for twelve years. He is an interaction designer and computer scientist specialising in emerging forms of interaction, online and otherwise. He has a keen interest in interactive information access and visualisation, and recently created the first realtime online map-tile colouring system, which shows Australian Bureau of Statistics data for the About New South Wales site (http://about.nsw.gov.au) for the Powerhouse Museum. He has also built a History of the Australian Web visualisation for AIMIA (the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association). He is Treasurer of the Sydney Chapter of the Usability Professionals Association and President of Robots and Dinosaurs (http://www.robodino.org), a hi-tech community workshop.

Greg will introduce Introducing GLAMkit - a Free, Open-Source Web Framework for the GLAM Sector. [Briefing]