April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Interactions: Description

Rapid Prototyping and Collaboration Using Google Wave   go to paper

Jes Koepfler, University of Maryland, USA
Joseph Maki, Independent Consultant, USA

In this mini-workshop the authors will showcase their experiment using Google Wave as a tool for 1) low-fidelity rapid prototyping, 2) record keeping, 3) establishing a consistent language, and 4) enabling both synchronous and asynchronous communication between an evaluator and a programmer. They will discuss the pros and cons of Google Wave, and then open the floor for questions and a brainstorming session on the possibilities of using Google Wave for work in the cultural heritage sector.

Mini-Workshop: Google Wave [technology]

Keywords: low-fidelity, rapid prototyping, evaluation, collaboration tools, usability