Speaker: Michael Edson
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Michael Edson

Director Of Web and New Media Strategy
Smithsonian Institution
600 Maryland Ave SW, Suite 4000
Washington DC
20013-7012 USA

Michael Edson is the Smithsonian Institution’s Director of Web and New Media Strategy. Michael has worked on numerous award-winning projects and has been involved in practically every aspect of technology and New Media for museums, including content development, digitization, blogging, gaming, public access to collections, information architecture, networking, place-of-business applications, programming, project management, graphic design, animation, audio and video production, mobile platforms, and citizen-created content. In addition to developing the Smithsonian’s first Web and New Media Strategy, Michael helped create the Smithsonian’s first blog, Eye Level, and the first Alternate Reality Game to take place in a museum, Ghost of a Chance. Michael has a BA from Wesleyan University.

Michael will present Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy: What it is, how we made it, and why it makes a difference. [Paper]
Michael will present Museum Commons: Tragedy or Enlightened self-interest?. [Professional Forum]