April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Workshops: Description

Introduction to Drupal

George deMet,, USA
Larry Garfield,, USA

The Drupal Content Management System (CMS) has been rapidly gaining popularity among museums and other not-for-profit institutions in recent years. Its combination of zero licensing costs, a robust Open Source community, available commercial development and support, flexible layout, and strong development platform make it a compelling option for institutions wishing to refine or expand their online presence. Powerful user-management options also allow for user-submitted content to help drive a site's popularity with as much administrator oversight is desired. A flexible content system allows for multiple ways to integrate 3rd party systems such as Digital Asset Management systems seamlessly into the user experience.

This session will provide an introduction to Drupal, from installation to basic concepts to the "right way" of approaching a Drupal site. The goal will be for attendees to come away with a good grounding in how they can leverage Drupal at their own institutions and set them on the right path to a sustainable, extensible web presence.

Workshop: Intro to Drupal [Afternoon]

Keywords: Drupal, data integration, open source, content management system