Speaker: Sue Black
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Sue Black

Head of Department
University of Westminster
Information and Software Systems
Watford Road
Northwick Park
HA1 3TP United Kingdom

Dr Sue Black is Head of the Department of Information and Software Systems at the University of Westminster. Sue completed a PhD in software measurement in 2001 in which she reformulated an algorithm used to compute the ripple effect metric for C source code. Sue periodically works for the European Commission in Brussels as an expert evaluator on the Information Society Technologies Programme. Her research interests are software quality, software measurement and software evolution. Sue has recently been campaigning to save Bletchley Park to great success. Details of the campaign can be found on her blog. Sue is involved with the British Computer Society in several respects. She founded the BCSWomen Specialist Group and is a BCS Council member. She is a vigorous campaigner for women in computing and saving Bletchley Park, and has been invited to speak in the media on many occasions on these subjects, most notably on BBC News 24, BBC Breakfast Time and the BBC Radio 4 Today program. Sue is a member of the IEEE, the ACM and Fellow of The British Computer Society and the Royal Society of Arts.

Sue will present Can Twitter Save Bletchley Park?. [Paper]