Speaker: Aaron Cope
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Aaron Cope

Stamen Design
2017 Mission
Suite 300
San Francisco CA
94110 USA

Aaron is Canadian by birth, American by descent, North American by experience et Montréalais au fond. Aaron was a senior engineer at Flickr, focusing on mobile and geo/mapping related tools, before leaving to join Stamen Design. Once upon a time, he was still a practicing painter. Aaron does not normally speak in the third person and by all accounts "there's flesh under all that RDF-talk."

Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/plasticbag/3783755527/

Aaron will present Buckets and Vessels. [Paper]
Aaron will lead Machine Tags: Theory, Working Code and Gotchas (and Robots!). [Workshop]